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Additional Functionality

When you open the Working Memory you see three buttons at the bottom:

  1. Create Task
  2. Move to next day
  3. Save

Past notes

On the top right you will find a datepicker. You can select any given date. Notes you make are always saved for the selected date.


You could use this to write your daily journal or as a way to check that you didn't miss to move every note up to the current day.

Creating Tasks

This button will become active once you highlight a segment of text in your Working Memory. You can then tap the button to create a Task that will have the selected text as it's title. The new task will be created on the current day.

Moving notes to the next day

This button is only active if you have any text entered in the Working Memory for the day. By tapping on the button the text entered for the current day is transferred to the next calendar date from the selected date. We will add some spacers and a timestamp so you can see what date the text originated from.


To apply encryption and save your notes, tap on the "Save" button.